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Better Digestion »

Book cover image of Better Digestion by Ada

Authors: Ada
ISBN-13: 9780471442233, ISBN-10: 0471442232
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated
Date Published: January 2003
Edition: (Non-applicable)

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Author Biography: Ada

LESLIE BONCI, MPH, RD, is Director of Sports Medicine Nutrition at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center; previously she was director of Outpatient Nutrition. Bonci has been on the board of the Intestinal Disease Foundation since 1990. A spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association, she frequently appears on the Today show.
THE AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION is the largest group of food and nutrition professionals in the world. As the advocate of the profession, the ADA serves the public by promoting optimal nutrition, health, and well-being.

Book Synopsis

Self-manage digestive disorders through dietary choices

Suffering from a gastrointestinal disorder-whether it's irritable bowel syndrome, gas, constipation, heartburn, or another condition-can be embarrassing and debilitating. While medical treatments and prescriptions can offer relief, one of the most important ways you can help yourself is to choose the right foods to eat.

Backed by the American Dietetic Association, this user-friendly guide shows you how to analyze your eating habits so that you can map out a dietary plan to manage and reduce the uncomfortable symptoms of digestive disorders. You'll find practical recommendations for implementing changes in your lifestyle and advice on steering clear of common dietary mistakes. Your meals will be pleasurable and nourishing experiences-not painful ones-when you discover how to make the best and most comfortable food choices so you can embark on the road to digestive health.

Doody Review Services

Reviewer:Willem J.S de Villiers, MD, PhD(University of Kentucky College of Medicine)
Description:This book serves as a dietary resource for persons suffering from a variety of gastrointestinal disorders.
Purpose:The purpose is to provide sound, nutritional information to persons with gastrointestinal disorders. The book discusses dietary modifications, lifestyle habits and eating survival tips from which patients can develop a specific dietary plan to manage uncomfortable symptoms. These are worthwhile objectives. As a practicing gastroenterologist, I see patients who often have questions regarding diet as it pertains to their specific symptoms or GI disorder. This will be a handy resource to refer them to.
Audience:The book is written for patients with specific GI disorders. It emphasizes a self-management approach, providing the reader with an understanding of the causes and triggers of various GI disorders and how dietary strategies may help to minimize symptoms. The author, a registered dietitian, is a credible authority. She has extensive experience in working with patients with digestive disorders and has the endorsement of several well respected gastroenterologists and the American Dietetic Association.
Features:The book begins with an overview of gastrointestinal physiology and nutrition principles that provides the reader with a basic framework of concepts. Following is a discussion of a number of GI disorders. Each chapter discusses causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and the role of diet for each disorder. Included are sample food diaries as well as personal diaries to aid patients in managing their disease. I found the sections on supplement use and medication and herb interactions to be very informative, especially as patients are turning to alternative therapies to manage or cure disease.
Assessment:This is a well-written, comprehensive, yet user-friendly book that focuses on the role of diet in the management of common gastrointestinal disorders. Unfortunately, "nutrition quackery" is all too commonplace in magazine and television ads. This book provides strategies and recommendations based on sound nutrition principles.

Table of Contents

Survival Skills for Self-Managing Your Digestive Condition
Getting Started
Food Borne Illnesses and Prevention
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Diverticular Diseases
Celiac Disease
Lactose Intolerance
Gas and Bloating
Nausea and Vomiting
The Supporting Cast: Disorders of the Liver, Pancreas and Gallbladder
Appendix A: Personal Food, Supplement(s) and Symptoms Diary
Appendix B: Personal Food/Supplement Diary to Record Fiber
Appendix C: Personal Foos Diary to Record Gluten-Free Foods Regularly Eaten
Appendix D: Personal Foos Diary to Record Dietary Fat Intake and Symptoms
Appendix E: Personal Foos Diary to Record Fluid, Sodium, and Protein Intake
