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Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders: Frequently Asked Questions »

Book cover image of Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders: Frequently Asked Questions by Diane Yapko

Authors: Diane Yapko
ISBN-13: 9781843107569, ISBN-10: 1843107562
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Kingsley, Jessica Publishers
Date Published: May 2003
Edition: (Non-applicable)

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Author Biography: Diane Yapko

Book Synopsis

Readers seeking information about autism spectrum disorders often find it very difficult to find straightforward answers to their questions. In response to this, Diane Yapko has produced this practical resource in an easy to read question and answer format so readers can go directly to the questions that interest them. There is no need to sift through complex scientific literature or confusing professional jargon and readers can refer back to the text again and again as their needs dictate. Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders will prove an essential reference for parents, teachers and professionals working with individuals on the autism spectrum.

Table of Contents

Pt. 1Diagnosis and Characteristics
1What are Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)?24
2Is there a difference between High Functioning Autism and Asperger's Syndrome?26
3Are there medical tests to diagnose ASD?28
4How is ASD diagnosed?29
5What tests are used to diagnose ASD?30
6Who can diagnose ASD?32
7What are the common characteristics associated with a diagnosis of ASD?34
8At what age can ASD be diagnosed?37
9Are there gender differences in ASD?39
10How often does ASD occur? What is its prevalence?39
11Is there an ASD epidemic?41
12What conditions typically co-exist with ASD?44
13Can you cure ASD?47
14Are children with ASD mentally retarded?47
15What are the typical speech and language problems associated with ASD?48
16Are savant skills common in ASD?52
17What is Theory of Mind Deficit or Mindblindness?52
18What are Executive Function Deficits?54
19What are Central Coherence Deficits?55
20What are Nonverbal Learning Disabilities (NLD)?56
21What is Hyperlexia?57
22What is Pathological Demand Avoidance Sydrome (PDA)?57
Pt. 2Causes
23What causes ASD?63
24Is ASD genetic?65
25Is there an ASD gene?66
26What are the chances of having more than one ASD child?68
27Can immunizations/vaccines cause ASD?69
28Can parenting style cause ASD?70
29Are there environmental causes of ASD?71
30Does a chemical imbalance in the brain cause ASD?73
31What medical conditions can cause ASD?74
32Can "Leaking" or "Leaky Gut" cause ASD?75
33What is the Opioid Excess Theory?75
Pt. 3Medical Issues
34Can ASD be identified before birth?79
35Can ASD be identified at birth?79
36Are specific parts of the brain affected in ASD?80
37Is the immune system affected in ASD?82
38Is the gastrointestinal system affected in ASD?83
39What role do environmental toxins and viruses have in ASD?84
40What role do allergies play in children with ASD?85
41What is the "DAN" protocol?86
42What is "PANDAS"?87
43What are "Leaky Gut" and "Celiac Disease"?88
44What is Secretin?89
45Do all children with ASD have seizures?91
46How do I know if my child is having seizures?92
47What medications are used with ASD individuals?94
48What is Purine Autism?95
49What is the Urine Peptide Test?96
Pt. 4Treatments and Intervention Programs and Approaches
50What types of treatment approaches exist for ASD?100
51Are all treatment approaches equally beneficial?107
52How to I decide which intervention(s) are most appropriate for my child?109
53What are Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) and Discrete Trial Training (DTT)?112
54What is Pivotal Response Training (PRT)?114
55What is Floor Time and the Developmental, Individual Difference, Relationship-based approach (DIR)?115
56What is the SCERTS Model?116
57What is TEACCH?117
58What is Speech-Language Therapy?118
59What is Augmentative Communication (AC) and PECS?120
60What is Auditory Integration Training (AIT)?123
61What is Occupational Theory (OT)?126
62What is Sensory Integration Therapy (SI)?127
63What is Physical Therapy?129
64What is Art Therapy?130
65What is Animal Assisted Therapy?130
66What is Music Therapy?131
67What is Vision Therapy?132
68What diets are used to treat ASD individuals?133
69What vitamins and nutritional supplements are used with ASD individuals?135
70What is Immunotherapy?137
71What medications are used to treat ASD?137
72How is Melatonin used in treating ASD?139
73Are there specific interventions for toilet training?139
74Are there specific interventions for temper tantrums?140
75Are there specific interventions for social skills deficits?141
76Are there specific interventions for sleep disturbances?144
77Are there specific interventions for self-injurious behaviors?146
78Are there specific interventions for auditory processing problems?148
Pt. 5Resources/Organizations/Websites
79What organizations are available for ASD individuals and their families?153
80What publications are available for ASD individuals and their families?157
81What other resources, websites and books are available for ASD individuals and their families?163
82What websites are available to provide therapy tools, learning activities and materials for working with ASD individuals?197
