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The Jewish Woman in Contemporary Society: Transitions and Traditions »

Book cover image of The Jewish Woman in Contemporary Society: Transitions and Traditions by Adrienne Baker

Authors: Adrienne Baker, Jo Campling (Editor), Susie Orbach
ISBN-13: 9780814712108, ISBN-10: 081471210X
Format: Hardcover
Publisher: New York University Press
Date Published: October 1993
Edition: (Non-applicable)

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Author Biography: Adrienne Baker

Adrienne Baker is a lecturer in Women's Studies at Birkbeck College, London University, and Director and Tutor in Counselling at Regent's College, London. She is also a member of the Chief Rabbi's working party researching issues of concern to Jewish women.

Book Synopsis

What does it mean to be a Jewish woman today? To an Orthodox woman, it means living a religious way of life in which serving God totally defines her self-perception and her role as wife and mother. For the secular woman, it means having a sense of belonging, although not necessarily to a specific Jewish community. Most contemporary Jewish women fall somewhere in between, but at the core of all of their identities is a complex interweaving of religious and ethnic elements, a shared history, and a collective memory of periods of prejudice, persecution, wandering, and resettlement.

Focusing on Jewish women in the United States and Britain, Adrienne Baker examines such issues as women's role in religious law, the spectrum of synagogue observance, the mother's role as conveyor of tradition, conversion and inter- faith marriages, and sexuality. In particular, the book examines the impact of feminism on Jewish women and their culture, uncovering the counterinfluences of tradition and new freedoms on women's lives.

Table of Contents

IThe Cultural Background7
1Setting the Scene9
Jewish immigration into Britain9
The American incoming12
On being an immigrant14
Ashkenazim and Sephardim16
Demography: facts and fears23
IIWomen and Judaism33
2Women's Role in Judaism35
'Blessed art thou...Who hast not made me a woman'35
Woman's rightful realm35
Images and stereotypes41
3Religious Law45
Women's status45
Religious study50
Agunah, the 'anchored woman'58
Can the law change?61
4The Religious Scene65
The secular Jew92
What does it mean to me, being a Jewish woman?97
5Aspects of Onhodoxy102
The ultra-Orthodox102
The Chassidim108
The ba'alot t'shuva: women who 'return' to strict Orthodoxy115
IIIFamily Life121
6The Jewish Woman at Home123
The Jewish family in history124
The daughter's apprenticeship125
Handing on tradition143
7Marriage, Childbearing and Sexuality147
The meaning of marriage147
Choosing a partner and the wedding ceremony150
The marital relationship and the Laws of Family Purity155
'Be fruitful and multiply'158
Sexual morality163
Staying single164
8Areas of Difficulty172
Family breakdown and domestic violence179
Single parent families183
Women as carers186
IVAreas of Change189
9Changing Perspectives191
Secular education191
Voluntary work194
Jobs and careers196
Within the family205
Within religion206
Woman's legal status in relation to divorce and agunah207
Feminism and Zionism209
Ambivalence and change212
