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The Improbable Voyage »

Book cover image of The Improbable Voyage by Tristan Jones

Authors: Tristan Jones
ISBN-13: 9781574090628, ISBN-10: 1574090623
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Sheridan House, Incorporated
Date Published: October 1998
Edition: (Non-applicable)

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Author Biography: Tristan Jones

Book Synopsis

The Improbable Voyage is the astonishing account of TRistan Jones' 2,307 mile voyage across Europe in Outward Leg. Continuing his round-the-world journey, Tristan traveled from the North Sea to the Black Sea via the rivers Rhine and Danube. Tristan welcomed each difficulty as a challenge to be met and overcome. Battling ice and cold, life-threatening rapids and narrow defiles, German bureaucrats and Romanian frontier police, Tristan made his way through eight countries and emerged triumphant, if battered, bruised and penniless, at the Black Sea. Tristan gives us a vivid glimpse of the quality of life along Europe's oldest water routes and behind the Iron Curtain.

Publishers Weekly

In this sequel to Outward Leg we find Jones preparing to take his ocean-going trimaran from London to Amsterdam and then through the heartland of Europe, via the Rhine, Main and Danube rivers to the Black Sea. Navigation will be more difficult than on the open sea, he tells us, because of heavy commerical traffic on the Rhine, the 62 locks on the Main between Frankfurt and Nurnberg (Nuremburg), submerged rocks and shifting sand bars. At the Nurnberg docks, ship and crew reach a dead end, trapped in ice and a web of bureaucracy. There is no water route to the Danube, and Jones needs a special permit to haul Outward Leg overland. His involuntary 10-week delay garnered publicity and sympathy for his cause (aiding the handicapped); his original two-man crew (from New York) departed, to be replaced by an engaging young German, Thomas. At the end of March they set out from Ingoldstadt on ``Father Danube,'' accompanied by the blare of bagpipes from a tape deck. It is Jones's boast that his trip marked the first time that a sea-going yacht has traversed the uncharted lower DanubeAustria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Romania, to the port of Varna in Bulgaria and into the Black Sea. There are hostile border guards, gunboats, hazardous defiles and rapids; a few glorious days in Vienna and Budapest; relief at journey's end. Good adventure, vintage Tristan Jones. (May 18)

Table of Contents

Part 1Into
1.On Pioneering13
2.Some Boot, Some Lace21
3.More Haste--Less Speed27
4.The Pause That Refreshed35
5.Deutschland uber Ales41
6.The Lilt of the Lorelei49
7.Bounding on the Main and Rebounding55
8.'Mid Pleasures and Palaces61
9.Blocked and Beset71
Part 2Through
10.Out of the Trap and Over the Gap91
11.Docks, Rocks, Stocks, Old Jocks and Shocks101
12.Death Trap111
13.Gorgeous Gorges119
14.Aspiring Spires129
15.Inquiring Choirs135
16.From the Sublime to the Gorblime143
17.The Bear's Paw151
18.The Setup161
19.Running the Gauntlet171
20.The Green Fields Beyond183
21.A Tale of Two Cities195
22.The Naked Truth207
23.When You Go, You Go Yugoslavia219
24.Beautiful and Bad; Charming and Repulsive227
25.Last Outposts235
Part 3Out
26.Through the Iron Gates247
27.The Lost Planet and the Void259
28.Learning About Rumania271
29.Captains and Capitalists283
30.Hulls, Hells and Highwater299
32.Victorious, Happy and Half-Knackered319
List of Ports of Call331
