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The Harmony Project »

Book cover image of The Harmony Project by Kate Farmer

Authors: Kate Farmer
ISBN-13: 9781412017718, ISBN-10: 1412017718
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Trafford Publishing
Date Published: December 2003
Edition: (Non-applicable)

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Author Biography: Kate Farmer

Kate Farmer was born and brought up in Surrey, England. She started riding regulaly at the age of 6, and soon begged and cajoled a pony, then a horse out of her parents. After graduating from St. Andrews University in psychology and economics, she persued a career in radio as a journalist and producer, but horses were never far away. She moved to Austria in 1992, to join the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation's English language service. From here, a chance meeting on a plane brought the horses back in the picture, and in particular, a horse called Sunny, who she agreed to help train. Sunny had been rescued from starvation, and had such severe behavioural problems that Kate started to look for alternative methods to "get through" to her. This search led her to the top natural horsemanhip trainer, Richard Thompson, who offered to cross the atlantic to help, if she could get a group of friends together to take a course. Richard became a regular visitor, coming to Austria twice a year, and Kate became one of his keenest students, earing his "approved trainer" certificate four years later. The Harmony Project brings together Kate's journalistic and horse training skills with the aim of showing that natural horsemanship is available and helpful to everyone, from the beginner rider to the professional.

Book Synopsis

A unique insight into the equine mind plus ideas and practial excercises to help you achieve a better understanding with your horse.

Table of Contents
