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Protocols for High-Risk Pregnancies » (5th Edition)

Book cover image of Protocols for High-Risk Pregnancies by John T. Queenan

Authors: John T. Queenan, John C. Hobbins, Catherine Y. Spong
ISBN-13: 9781405196505, ISBN-10: 1405196505
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated
Date Published: July 2010
Edition: 5th Edition

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Author Biography: John T. Queenan

John T. Queenan, Georgetown University Medical Center, USA

Catherine Y. Spong, National Institute of Health, USA

Charles J. Lockwood, Yale University, USA

Book Synopsis

Pregnancies compromised by disease, trauma, substance abuse, and other factors are not uncommon. They clearly demand special attention from the obstetrician, obstetric nurse, primary care physician and others. Through three successful editions, Queenan has provided these audiences with a concise yet complete guide to managing pregnant patients and fetuses at risk.

For the fourth edition, Dr Queenan has proposed replacing up to a third of the 96 contributors to get some "new blood" into the book. He has invited more contributions from European authors in order to better cater to an international readership. The book will, however, retain the popular "protocols" theme, in which very brief chapters on the spectrum of HRP topics provide quick summaries of a problem and diagnostic and therapeutic steps to manage it. Every chapter will be revised carefully to reflect the latest thinking on the best approach to pregnant patients with risks like tuberculosis, STDs, bleeding, pre-eclampsia, etc. The many quick reference tables and charts will be updates as, of course, will the brief bibliographies accompanying each chapter.

This new edition will provide increased coverage of IUGR, Pre-eclampsia, teratology and genetics. New chapters will be introduced on doppler ultrasound, nuchal translucency and also on AIDS in pregnancy.

Furthermore the fourth edition will be evidence-based. The new editor, Catherine Spong, is a guru of evidence-based medicine and as well as her role as one of the editors of the American journal: Obstetrics and Gynaecology, controls the foetal medicine programme at the National Institute of Health in Washington.


An updated edition providing quick reference for the obstetrician or midwife seeking guidance in the diagnosis and therapy through the various complications that may occur in high-risk pregnancy. Topics include pregnancy hazards, special procedures, maternal diseases, obstetrical problems, and labor and delivery. Problems are addressed by a clear, precise, and practical protocol. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Table of Contents

Pt. 1Hazards to pregnancy1
2Developmental toxicology and teratology9
3Occupational hazards18
5Ionizing radiation31
6Microwaves and ultrasound39
7Exercise - risks and benefits45
Pt. 2Antenatal testing55
8Routine antenatal laboratory tests and specific screening tests57
9Assessment of gestational age64
10Second trimester biochemical screening for neural tube defects and aneuploidy69
11Sonographic and first trimester detection of aneuploidy75
12Indices of maturity89
13Clinical use of Doppler96
14Fetal echocardiography106
15Fetal biophysical profile112
Pt. 3Special procedures117
16Chorionic villus sampling119
17Genetic amniocentesis125
18Third trimester amniocentesis129
19Fetal blood sampling134
20Fetal reduction141
21Intrauterine transfusion145
22External cephalic version152
23Induction of labor157
24Amnioinfusion : indications and techniques164
Pt. 4Maternal disease169
25Sickle cell disease171
26Isoimmune thrombocytopenia176
27Autoimmune disease182
28Cardiac disease196
29Peripartum cardiomyopathy205
31Renal disease214
33Gestational diabetes224
34Diabetes mellitus227
37Acute and chronic hepatitis244
40Chronic hypertension264
43Herpes simplex288
45West Nile virus297
46Human immune deficiency virus infection301
47Parvovirus B19 infection315
50Group B streptococcus329
54Urinary tract infections356
55Acute abdominal pain resulting from non-obstetric causes359
56Acute pancreatitis368
Pt. 5Obstetric problems381
59First trimester vaginal bleeding383
60Cervical incompetence388
61Nausea and vomiting395
63Fetal wastage : genetic evaluation406
64Recurrent pregnancy loss : non-genetic causes412
65Missed abortion and antepartum fetal death420
69Intrauterine growth restriction450
70Rh and other blood group alloimmunizations458
71Early detection of preterm labor467
72Preterm labor - tocolysis475
73Premature rupture of the membranes483
75Third trimester bleeding500
76Amniotic fluid embolus506
77Sepsis syndrome509
78Counseling for fetal anomalies513
Pt. 6Labor and delivery519
79Maternal transport521
80Medications in labor528
81Intrapartum fetal heart rate monitoring546
82Abnormal labor551
83Breech delivery555
84Vaginal birth after cesarean section559
85Shoulder dystocia565
86Twins, triplets, and beyond570
87Post-term pregnancy580
88Primary postpartum hemorrhage583
89Postpartum endometritis589
90Vaginal and vulvar hematoma596
Pt. 7Clinical reference tables599
App. ACommonly used ultrasound measurements601
App. BChanges in laboratory values during pregnancy623
App. CEvaluation of fetal defects and maternal disease627
App. DThe newborn : reference charts and tables637
App. EMedications cited648
