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From Lump to Laughter: The Story of Grace »

Book cover image of From Lump to Laughter: The Story of Grace by Connie Hill

Authors: Connie Hill
ISBN-13: 9780615244853, ISBN-10: 0615244858
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Hill, Connie
Date Published: August 2008
Edition: (Non-applicable)

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Author Biography: Connie Hill

Connie Weatherspoon Hill, Author of Grace's story is a Wilmington, North Carolina, mother, wife and Realtor who overcame breast cancer when she was diagnosed at age 34. Her two children, both boys, were 3 and 1 at the time of diagnoses. She is married to her rock and best friend, Flint. She has a brother, who is a policeman and lives in another state. Originally from Durham, NC she made the coast her home after graduating at UNCW with a BS in Marine Biology and a minor in Education. After 2 years of teaching high school she started her career in real estate in 1996 with much success and enjoyment. In 2003, overcoming cancer became another full-time job for her. Although Connie survived childhood abuse by her mother and step-father, her victorious spirit did not prepare her for the fight of breast cancer. Her tough exterior was peeled away and as she was left exposed as she discovered her purpose in this world and slowly remade herself with a firm foundation that started with Christ. Her transforming, emotional and often-times hilarious journey through breast cancer can be found in The Story of Grace.

Book Synopsis

From Lump to Laughter The Story of Grace will captivate you as you read about one woman s journey through breast cancer. Through an illustrated character and occasional humor, Connie shares the struggles, the tears, and the truth about the first year of breast cancer. Her Grace will empower you to hold on to your Faith and offer Hope to meet you. The story features a 34 year old woman (Grace) with two children ages 1 and 3 who discovers a lump in her breast. The lump transforms her life and fuels an online Breast Cancer Support Ministry called Lump to Laughter as "Grace" decides to turn her trial into triumph and take more from breast cancer than it can take from her. The theme of the book is Spiritual and Life Changing. Whether you have been touched by cancer personally or supported someone who has, this story will bring understanding and shed light upon the true emotional side of breast cancer and offer Hope to all. Often referred to as "The Journal" of Grace in Connie's hometown, this journal will walk you through the first year of breast cancer. Travel with Grace and see how she was healed from the inside out.

Praise for "From Lump to Laughter-The Story of Grace"

"From Lump to Laughter, Connie Hill's remarkably honest journal, details her simultaneous battle with breast cancer and her reconnection to God.It is faith-filled without being preachy, informative without being dull and inspirational without being sappy. Well done!"— Celia Rivenbark, syndicated humor columnist, author

As I read it, I cried with you, laughed with you, and prayed with you. I learned to love your three boys who showed such adoration for you during this trying period. It isperfect "medicine" for anyone with the same problem. I will certainly make sure that this copy of the book circulates among my friends. It will not just sit on a book shelf. Having seen you recently, it's too bad that your readers don't have the benefit of viewing what a beautiful, happy, enthusiastic person you now are. So I say "Mozel Tov (congratulations) on doing this Mitzvah (good thing) for other gals with the same problem that you faced. It certainly will give them something wonderful to look forward to. Love it and you too. — Helene (Wayne); Syndicated Freelance Writer

"Had this information been available to me when my stepdaughter was diagnosed, I would have devoured this book and then been armed with the truth of what she was experiencing. I would have done more, understood more, known what to say, and most importantly, I would have prayed for her specific needs. Reading about Connie's journey to a renewed faith in God and her empowerment through this ordeal is amazing." — Robin Lyon

"I don't think a lot of people know what to say [to others with breast cancer],but reading your story made me very aware of the connection between people no matter what different circumstances we are going through at the time."— Hannah Gaerlan

This book blessed me and touch me deeply. Connie is a gifted writer. This is a touching story of a journey of hope and joy. As Connie shares her personal and emotional experience with breast cancer it is so heart wrenching and at the same time very informative. The apprehensions over a bleak diagnosis and the fear of the unknown are told with such openness and frankness. It is so inspiring and moving to read of her courage and unselfish concern for her family during this time of distress and anxiety for herself. I enjoyed the humor and also the honesty displayed throughout this amazing well-written book. The soul searching times she shared about her deep and growing relationship with God were awesomely descriptive and stirring. —Brenda Donnell

This story is inspirational, and I think it serves as a good lesson for all of us, including those of us who have not been personally affected by breast cancer. —Erin Gora

It is one of the most beautiful, inspirational and amazing books that I have ever read. Connie you have a gift. —Krista Johnson

It was hard for me to put down. I was utterly overwhelmed with emotion. Reading this has certainly gotten me thinking about a lot of things-especially my own family and my own life. Thank you for sharing your ups and downs. You are a brilliant writer. The humor you use in your writing has had me laughing out loud. —Elizabeth Wilson

Table of Contents
