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Emergency Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! » (New Edition)

Book cover image of Emergency Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Authors: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Springhouse Publishing Company Staff
ISBN-13: 9781582554648, ISBN-10: 1582554641
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Date Published: July 2006
Edition: New Edition

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Author Biography: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Book Synopsis

Emergency Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! offers essential information on emergency, trauma, and critical care in the popular, easy-to-learn, and enjoyable Incredibly Easy! format. It covers emergency care basics including patient assessment and triage, trauma, disease crises, and patient and family communication, as well as legal issues such as handling evidence and documentation and holistic issues such as pain and end-of-life care.

Chapters detail emergency nursing by body system and cover shock, multi-system traumas, environmental emergencies, disaster preparedness, communicable diseases, and obstetric and pediatric emergencies. The presentation features light-hearted cartoons and humor, "Memory Joggers" and other icons, and end-of-chapter review questions.

Doody Review Services

Reviewer:Michael Smith, BSN(Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System)
Description:This very well laid out emergency nursing handbook has a logical flow and covers body systems in detail. This allows readers to review important systems and quickly find the diagnostic tools. This handy reference guide will be kept on the desktop, not on a bookshelf.
Purpose:This book was designed to provide emergency nurses with a concise and handy reference guide that can be used as an excellent review in down times as well as for real time treatment. As an emergency nurse manager, I think this book would provide an excellent reference for the bedside nurse as well as for administration to construct education and competency skill reviews.
Audience:The book is designed for both new and experienced emergency nurses. This is an excellent review for a nurse new to emergency nursing as well as the experienced staff member. It would also be very beneficial for a nurse needing a comprehensive review of systems. It is factual and precise.
Features:In covering emergency nursing, the book breaks down the unique processes and focuses on body systems. The topics are presented in understandable segments that logically guide nurses' treatment, allowing them to provide quality care and complete patient teaching. The pink boxes that pepper the chapters are filled with focused information and illustrations that enhance the content. The only shortcoming is the binding. This book will be used often and the one I have has already separated in the middle.
Assessment:I have 15 years of nursing experience and reviewing this book has brought to mind many items that I had forgotten. I have already used this information to provide focused patient teaching. This book avoids overly technical explanations that might bog readers down.

Table of Contents

1Emergency department basics1
2Holistic care27
3Neurologic emergencies43
4Cardiac emergencies97
5Respiratory emergencies201
6Gastrointestinal emergencies265
7Musculoskeletal emergencies and wound management309
8Genitourinary and gynecologic emergencies353
9Maxillofacial and ocular emergencies401
10Environmental emergencies441
11Shock and multisystem trauma473
AppEmergency delivery512
AppRecording the Apgar score514
