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Book cover image of DISPUTED TRUTH: MEMOIRS, Vol. 2 by Hans Kung

Authors: Hans Kung, John Bowden
ISBN-13: 9780826499103, ISBN-10: 0826499104
Format: Hardcover
Publisher: Continuum International Publishing Group
Date Published: July 2008
Edition: (Non-applicable)

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Author Biography: Hans Kung

Book Synopsis

Table of Contents

List of Illustrations     xiv
Acknowledgements for Illustrations     xvi
Prologue     1
More than 'memoirs'     2
The historical background     3
First-hand testimony: Ratzinger-Kung     5
On the same wavelength?     6
Two careers cross     8
Together at the Council 1962-65     10
Ratzinger's call to Tubingen 1966     11
Friendly co-operation     12
Ratzinger's tolerance     13
Two different ways of being Catholic     15
Roman Provocations     16
Pioneer of conciliar renewal: Cardinal Suenens     16
Criticism of the Roman system     19
Progressive organs of the Curia     20
Provocation I: Cementing the power structure     22
Exemplary: the freedom of the Swiss election of bishops     24
Successful resistance     26
A radical response: Charles Davis leaves the church     28
A fruitful research semester     31
A key experience for the dialogue between religions: Beirut-Jerusalem     33
Provocation II: encyclical on celibacy     36
Karl Rahner and celibacy     38
Slanders     40
Friendships     42
Provocation III: a papal creed for yesterday     43
A leap forward called for     44
A world-wide demonstration for the freedom of theology     45
Provocation IV: decree on mixed marriages     48
A call for self-help     49
The invitation has an effect     50
Provocation V: the 'pill encyclical'     52
A Pope who doubts     53
An encyclical which meets with resistance world-wide     54
1968: Year of Decisions     56
How the 1968 cultural revolution came about     56
Radicalization in Germany     58
Guest professor in New York     60
The murder of Martin Luther King     62
Charismatic Pentecostal eucharist in Paris: intercommunion     64
The quiet activity of the Roman Inquisition     66
How should I react?     68
No inspection of the records     70
The crisis for the church after the Council - a dispute over paradigms     71
After a 'Prague spring', a 'church in winter'     73
Wave of protest at the German Katholikentag     76
Representative of the rational centre     79
The death and resurrection of a journal: Publik      81
Priests want a share in the decision     83
How the Pope could be     85
Counter-offensive by the Curia     86
Repression in the US and England     88
Resistance in the Netherlands: the Dutch Catechism     89
Decisive fight over priestly celibacy: the Pastoral Council     92
How Rome tames a church     94
The voices of renewal grow weaker     96
Doctor of two theologies: Karl Barth     97
The one who drove the Alfa: for Ratzinger's free semester     99
Tubingen in Restless Times     101
Calm before the storm     101
Ecumenical research in practice     103
Disputed university reform     104
Student rebellions     106
Violent actions and ideological exaggerations     108
Disruptions and their consequences: Eschenburg and Adorno     110
Rebellious theological students     111
Euphoria over reform and perplexity in the faculty     113
Threat to the Institute for Ecumenical Research     115
Join in, flee or stand firm?     117
An attempt to democratize the student community     118
A trauma that Ratzinger couldn't cope with     119
Struggle for the truth      120
Ratzinger's departure in 1969     122
The end of the red decade     123
Was I wrong about him?     126
Is the Bible to be understood in a modern and critical way or traditionally and dogmatically?     129
Who has changed?     131
Stand still - or move forward     132
In the logic of Vatican II     133
Decisions for housekeeping and secretarial work     135
Infallible?     137
Not just theology     137
Interdisciplinary work in practice     139
The truth in truthfulness     141
Dealing honestly with errors     142
Marian dogma - even against one's better judgement     143
The prohibition of the pill - a second Galileo case     145
The question of truth - a public matter     146
Infallible? An unavoidable enquiry     148
Are the foundations of this doctrine secure?     150
Making the church capable of correction: Walter Kasper     152
A deadly threat to the Catholic faith?     154
Progressive theology united: the 1970 World Congress     156
Karl Rahner: the great disappointment     157
A dogmatic theologian in need over arguments      159
The 14 helpers in need: a new style?     160
First confrontation with Joseph Ratzinger     163
Criterion for the Catholic: early church or New Testament?     165
From Roman Catholicism to authentic Catholicity     166
A reconciliation with Eastern Orthodoxy is possible     167
The schism with the Old Catholic Church could end     168
The Reformation protest could become immaterial     170
Who 'invented' the doctrine of infallibility?     171
Jesus would not have understood any of this     173
Global Trip and Global Theology     175
Sympathetic support     175
Support from theological friends     176
Concentration: being a Christian against a world background     179
Broadening horizons: experience of the world     180
Holy Russia     182
Unholy Russia     184
Abiding respect for the Orthodox Church     185
The world of Islam: Afghanistan     188
The golden temple of the Sikhs     190
The India of the Hindus     191
Sri Lanka and Buddhism     194
Indonesia: tolerant Islam     196
At the antipodes: Australia     198
Free days at last: the daydream island      201
The new horizon: the great ideologies     203
New Zealand: episcopal pastoral letter against a theologian     205
The second most beautiful country in the world     206
My central project     210
The original Christian message for today     211
The magic of the South Seas     212
The world of tribal religions     215
Back in the Western, 'Christian' world     216
Business as usual     217
Sleep, laughter and hope     219
Battle for the Truth - or a Struggle for Power?     220
Problems for the Doctrinal Congregation     220
Quiet work     223
Where to begin: from 'above' or from 'below'?     223
Was Jesus a revolutionary?     225
The pros and cons of a 'political theology'     227
Has the church lost its soul?     228
What must remain in the church     229
'His Holiness's loyal opposition'     230
Opposition needs publicity     232
Against resignation: points of orientation     234
Concealing the use and the misuse of power     235
A power struggle in the church     237
Battle for the truth     239
Attempts at a conversation free of domination     241
'Fallible?': the results of the infallibility debate     242
'Infallibility' reinterpreted - counter-arguments ignored     243
Ambiguous experiences with the World Council of Churches     244
Strange alliances     246
Reciprocal recognition of ministries     248
Apostolic succession - primarily a question about power     251
Demand for eucharistic fellowship     252
The Demand for Capitulation     254
The change in the reform cardinal Suenens     254
Charismatic movements in the Catholic Church     256
Unfair conditions for a 'colloquium'     258
'Operative agreement' with Karl Rahner     261
A concerted action: Vatican and episcopate     263
An 'enquiry' about the possibility of error unanswered     264
A question of style instead of a question of truth or law?     266
For me a question of conscience     268
My back is covered by Tubingen colleagues     269
Doctoral students and bishops also involved: Bishop Kempf     270
A system of denunciation and supervision     272
Fundamental objections to the proceedings     273
The fate of someone 'ready for conversation': Professor Pfurtner     275
The coming Chancellor: Helmut Kohl     277
Roman festivals - informative encounters     280
Paul VI in the German College     283
Conversations with Roman professors     284
In the service of the ecumenical world: Cardinal Willebrands     286
The head of the Doctrinal Congregation in private: who capitulates to whom?     287
The 'hammer' of the Doctrinal Congregation: Archbishop Hamer     288
The proposal for a cease-fire rejected     291
Will the bishop stand firm?     292
The Roman proceedings contrary to human rights     294
The Adventure of a Book     297
A change of publisher with consequences     297
For the Jesuits in Switzerland     299
Not a Jesus domesticated by the church but a real Jesus     300
Good news which leads to conflict     302
The essence of Christianity     303
The discrepancy between Jewish-Christian and Hellenistic understanding     303
A basis for dialogue with the Jews     305
And Christian practice?     306
The disciplinary proceedings on doctrine are 'stopped'     308
An unexpected bestseller     311
My image in Der Spiegel      313
Dialogue with Der Spiegel's founder, Rudolf Augstein     314
An unwelcome programme of reform     316
Towards a revaluation of women     318
Against a split in the church     320
Justice for the traditionalists too     321
A dirty game     323
No final say for the accused     325
Agreement from exegetes     326
'No understanding without initial goodwill'     327
A comparison between Ratzinger's Introduction and On Being a Christian     330
How one can come to terms theologically     331
Scandalous silence about key christological statements     332
On Being a Christian launched in Rome     334
Experiences in northern Europe     336
Experiences in East Germany     339
Concerns for fellow men and women     340
A prize for civil courage     342
Problems of the Hierarchy and Problems of the World     344
The end of the conciliar era     344
Sudden death of a mediator: Cardinal Dopfner     346
A dangerous constellation     347
A good reception in America     349
Different spiritual worlds     350
Making old creeds understandable      352
Three days with the Kennedys     354
Ecumenical problems and opportunities: a Vatican III?     356
Dispute among theologians: politicizing theology     357
Endless quarrels: Cardinal Hoffner     358
Quincentenary of the University of Tubingen: jubilee address on the question of God     360
Honorary doctorate for a Soviet dissident: Evgeni V. Barabanov     362
The loss of a legal adviser: Professor Neumann     365
Tons of paper     366
A bishop and his teacher of religion     368
Dogmas instead of reforms?     370
Church authorities against church teacher: an appeal for understanding     371
Around my fiftieth birthday: Chancellor Kreisky     372
Answer to the modern question about God     374
Christological clarification is ignored     376
Teacher about God in the great tradition     377
God's living nature and historicity: Hegel     379
Complications and implications     380
The struggle over language     382
1978: The Year of Three Popes     384
Dramatic changes to my life     384
An ecumenical round table     387
What Pope do we need? Six criteria     388
The 33-day Pope: John Paul I     392
Enigmatic death of the Pope     394
Unexplained deaths and scandals in Rome     395
Banker Paul Marcinkus: covered by the Vatican     396
A Pope from Poland: Karol Wojtyla     398
Deceitful photographs: an Opus Dei Pope     400
Liberation theology: Gustavo Gutierrez     402
Experiences of Latin America     403
The dangers of liberation theology     404
John Paul II: not a Pope who engages in dialogue     406
A risky introduction - a strategic mistake?     409
In the centres of the world     412
China after Mao     414
In the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences     418
At Confucius' birthplace     420
Towards humanity in medicine     422
Modern art and the question of meaning     424
Unsuspecting     426
The Great Confrontation     428
An ecumenical or an anti-ecumenical papacy?     428
A year of John Paul II     431
Offence at the truth?     433
The Polish Pope and his theology     434
A bad signal     437
The wearisome life of engaging in single combat     440
Fiction of a 'colloquium': Schillebeeckx     442
Again: who is Catholic?     445
Where I was deceived     446
A secret meeting abroad     447
Bishop Georg Moser in dire straits     448
The moment of truth     449
Dark deeds before Christmas     451
No capitulation to the Inquisition!     452
The general attack: disturbing complicity     454
The verdict     456
I am ashamed of my church     461
A wave of protests     462
Overwhelming solidarity     464
Statement for John Paul II     466
The university makes a stand     468
Mediating conversations in the Vatican and in Tubingen     470
A letter from Bishop Moser on Christmas Eve     470
36 anxious hours: the papal decision is negative     472
'With sadness and incomprehension'     473
Roma Locuta - Causa non Finita: Rome has Spoken, but the Case is Not Over     475
The fight goes on     476
3.5 million words from the pulpit     477
Against falsifications and lies     479
A chair in Zurich?     480
International echo     482
The solidarity of theologians     484
A case for politics: consensus of the parties     486
Ecclesiastical constitutional lawyers     487
Betrayal by the Seven     489
'Grovelling, obsequiousness, slimy covering up'     491
Pressure on the press     493
Not on the side of the avalanche     494
A 'true novel'?     495
Weak episcopal friends     496
Good Friday mood     498
Not the end     500
Last attempt at mediation     502
Voluntary departure instead of being thrown out     503
Getting rid of me fails     505
Rome gives in     506
Redeemed Easter laughter     507
Prospect     510
Roman retrogression and ecumenical confrontation     510
Victory despite defeat     512
The new freedom     514
'You're doing well!'     515
Mission and betrayal of the intellectuals     516
'A public intellectual'     518
More than an 'involved onlooker'     518
A passion for truth     520
Neither 'dictatorship of relativism nor dictatorship of absolutism'     522
I would have sold my soul     523
Life goes on      524
Notes     525
Select Bibliography     539
Books   Hans Kung     539
Books about Hans Kung and the Controversies     540
Index of Names     541
A Word of Thanks     555
