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Basic Clinical Massage Therapy: Integrating Anatomy and Treatment » (2nd Edition)

Book cover image of Basic Clinical Massage Therapy: Integrating Anatomy and Treatment by James H. Clay

Authors: James H. Clay, David M. Pounds, David M. Pounds, David M. Pounds
ISBN-13: 9780781756778, ISBN-10: 0781756774
Format: Hardcover
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Date Published: December 2006
Edition: 2nd Edition

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Author Biography: James H. Clay

Book Synopsis

This superbly illustrated text familiarizes students with individual muscles and muscle systems and demonstrates basic clinical massage therapy techniques. More than 550 full-color illustrations of internal structures are embedded into photographs of live models to show each muscle or muscle group, surrounding structures, surface landmarks, and the therapist's hands. Students see clearly which muscle is being worked, where it is, where it is attached, how it can be accessed manually, what problems it can cause, and how treatment techniques are performed. This edition features improved illustrations of draping and includes palpation for each muscle.

An accompanying Real Bodywork DVD includes video demonstrations of massage techniques from the book.

Table of Contents

Foundations of Clinical Massage Therapy
Approaching Clinical Massage Therapy     3
The Place of Clinical Massage Therapy in Health Care     5
The Principles of Clinical Massage Therapy     6
Structure and Function of Muscles     7
The Muscle Cell     7
The Cross-Bridge Theory     8
The Neuromuscular Junction     9
Muscle Architecture     9
Tender Points, Trigger Points, Release     10
Agonists and Antagonists     10
Fascia     11
Superficial Fascia     11
Deep Fascia     12
Types of Fascial Treatment     12
Treating the Fascia     14
Body Mechanics     15
Varieties of Soft-Tissue Manipulation     20
The Art of Direct Tissue Manipulation: The "Tissue Dialogue"     20
The Tools of the Therapist's Body     20
Specific Treatment Techniques     23
Tables     26
Draping     26
Chapter Summary     33
Approaching Assessment     35
Client History     37
Designing a Form for Client Information     37
Conducting the Interview     37
Whole-BodyAssessment     41
Informal Observation     41
Formal Alignment Examination     41
Testing Areas Specific to the Complaint     47
The Breathing Examination     49
The Manual (Palpatory) Examination     50
Summation and Detective Work     51
Synthesizing Your Findings     52
Communicating with Clients     52
Applying Your Synthesis to Treatment     53
Communicating with Other Health Professionals     53
Special Populations     56
Pregnant Women     56
The Elderly     56
Children and Adolescents     56
Conclusion     57
Chapter Summary     57
Approaching Treatment
The Head, Face, and Neck     61
Overview of the Region     72
Frontalis     74
Occipitalis     76
Orbicularis Oculi     78
Zygomaticus Major and Minor     80
Temporalis     82
Masseter     84
Pterygoids     86
Medial or Internal Pterygoid     87
Lateral or External Pterygoid     88
Levator Veli Palatini, Tensor Veli Palatini, and the Palatine Aponeurosis      90
Platysma     94
Muscles Attached to the Hyoid Bone     95
Digastric     98
Sternocleidomastoid     100
Scaleni (Scalenes)     102
Posterior Neck Muscles     106
Trapezius     106
Semispinalis Capitis and Cervicis, Longissimus Capitis     110
Splenius Capitis, Splenius Cervicis     111
Multifidi and Rotatores     112
Suboccipital Muscles     114
The Shoulder, Chest, and Upper Back     119
Overview of the Region     127
Anterior Shoulder     129
Subclavius     129
Pectoralis Major     130
Pectoralis Minor     134
Levator Scapulae     140
Rhomboids Major and Minor     142
Latissimus Dorsi     144
Teres Major     147
Deltoid     149
The Rotator Cuff     151
Supraspinatus     151
Infraspinatus     153
Teres Minor     156
Subscapularis     158
Muscles of the Ribs     162
Serratus Anterior     162
Serratus Posterior Inferior     164
Muscles of Breathing      166
Diaphragm     171
Serratus Posterior Superior     172
Intercostals     174
Teaching Diaphragmatic Breathing     177
The Arm and Hand     181
Overview of the Region     192
Muscles of the Upper Arm     193
Biceps Brachii     193
Brachialis     195
Triceps Brachii     197
Anconeus     199
Coracobrachialis     201
Muscles of the Forearm and Hand     203
Supinator     203
Pronator Teres     205
Pronator Quadratus     207
Brachioradialis     209
Extensors of the Hand, Wrist, and Fingers     211
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis     211
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus     212
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris     213
Extensor Digiti Minimi     214
Extensor Digitorum     215
Extensor Indicis     216
Extensor Pollicis Brevis     217
Extensor Pollicis Longus     218
Abductor Pollicis Longus     219
Flexors of the Hand, Wrist, and Fingers     221
Flexor Retinaculum (Transverse Carpal Ligament)      222
Palmaris Longus     223
Flexor Carpi Radialis     224
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris     225
Flexor Digitorum Profundus     226
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis     227
Flexor Pollicis Longus     228
Muscles in the Hand     230
Muscles of the Thumb     230
Adductor Pollicis     230
Flexor Pollicis Brevis     231
Abductor Pollicis Brevis     232
Opponens Pollicis     233
Interosseus Muscles of the Hand     235
Lumbrical Muscles of the Hand     238
Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis     239
Abductor Digiti Minimi     240
The Vertebral Column     243
Overview of the Region     247
The Superficial Paraspinal Muscles     249
Erector Spinae     250
The Iliocostalis Group     251
Iliocostalis Lumborum     251
Iliocostalis Thoracis     252
Iliocostalis Cervicis     255
Longissimus Thoracis     256
Spinalis Thoracis     257
Semispinalis Thoracis     258
The Deep Muscles of the Vertebral Column     261
Multifidus      261
Rotatores     263
The Low Back and Abdomen     267
Overview of the Region     273
Muscles of the Abdomen     274
Rectus Abdominis     275
Pyramidalis     278
Abdominal Obliques     280
Transversus Abdominis     283
Muscles of the Lower Back     284
Quadratus Lumborum     284
The Pelvis     289
Overview of the Region     297
Psoas Major (Iliopsoas)     298
Iliacus     302
Psoas Minor     304
Muscles of the Pelvic Floor     305
Coccygeus     305
Levator Ani     306
Gluteal Muscles     309
Gluteus Maximus     309
Gluteus Medius     310
Gluteus Minimus     311
Deep Lateral Rotators of the Hip     316
Piriformis     316
Superior Gemellus     319
Inferior Gemellus     320
Obturator Internus     321
Obturator Externus     322
Quadratus Femoris     324
The Thigh     327
Overview of the Region     334
Muscles of the Anterior Thigh      335
Quadriceps Femoris     335
Sartorius     340
Muscles of the Posterior Thigh (Hamstrings)     342
Semitendinosus     342
Semimembranosus     343
Biceps Femoris     344
The Lateral Thigh: Tensor Fasciae Latae and the Iliotibial Band (Iliotibial Tract, ITB)     347
Tensor Fasciae Latae and the Iliotibial Band     347
Muscles of the Medial Thigh (Hip Adductors)     351
Adductor Magnus     352
Adductor Longus     353
Adductor Brevis     354
Pectineus     355
Gracilis     356
The Leg, Ankle, and Foot     361
Overview of the Region     370
Connective Tissue of the Leg and Foot     371
Crural Fascia     371
Flexor, Extensor, and Peroneal Retinacula     373
Flexor Retinaculum     373
Inferior Extensor Retinaculum     374
Superior Extensor Retinaculum     374
Peroneal Retinaculum     374
Plantar Fascia (Plantar Aponeurosis)     376
Anterior Muscles of the Leg     378
Tibialis Anterior     378
Extensor Digitorum Longus     380
Extensor Hallucis Longus     382
Lateral Muscles of the Leg     384
Peroneus Longus     384
Peroneus Brevis     386
Peroneus Tertius     387
Posterior Muscles of the Leg     388
Popliteus     388
Gastrocnemius     389
Soleus     390
Plantaris     392
Tibialis Posterior     393
Flexor Digitorum Longus     394
Flexor Hallucis Longus     395
Intrinsic Muscles of the Foot     398
Quadratus Plantae     398
Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis     400
Flexor Digitorum Brevis     401
Flexor Hallucis Brevis     402
Extensor Digitorum Brevis     403
Abductor Hallucis     404
Adductor Hallucis     405
Abductor Digiti Minimi     406
Lumbrical Muscles of the Foot     407
Interosseus Muscles of the Foot (Interossei)     408
Anatomical Prefixes and Suffixes     411
Directional and Kinetic Terminology     415
Muscles by Pain Referral Zone     423
Suggested Readings     429
Glossary     431
Index     435
